In The Spirit of Christmas

Worn by Jaime on December 24, 2010 - December 25, 2010

We had a packed house in Northern Michigan for Christmas ... but there was something missing ... Rachel and her husband Shawn. Rachel and I decided I would keep My Sister's Shoes a little longer so she could be here with the family for Christmas. Keeping with tradition, we made our Grandpa Joe's apple and pumpkin pies as well as his pork sausage stuffing. I kept Rachel in the kitchen with me on Christmas Eve and also by our side while Dad read us Twas The Night Before Christmas ...

I thought this photo was cute with the shoes paired with jeans and my Christmas Apron!

Applying final touches to the apple pie before putting it in the oven. I wasn't wearing make-up so the focus stayed "below the neck". :o)

Christmas morning! Keeping with family tradition, we wait at the top of the stairs until dad calls us down. Now that we're grown, our kids stand at the top of the stairs and we've joined the "adults ranks" and wait for the kids by the tree ... but I still made Rachel wait at the top of the stairs for old times sake. :o)

Merry Christmas Rachel!


  1. Hi Girls,

    I am new to your blog and absolutely LOVE it! The whole idea is awesome and I feel the love reading every word! I have added your button to my page to promote readers! Happy Blogging - Your new mate Melissa x

  2. Oh my...being in the Reichlin house again at Christmas time is making me tear up!

    (Mom of the Ellis girls)


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